by Tatai@Makers

in the pipeline

TATAI is the process of formulating an Event committee which will:

Organize and collaborate events,

Conduct conferences, seminars and talks for knowledge sharing

Hold meetings for networking

Create training workshops to generate awareness and capacity building of mental health professionals.

Create training workshops to generate awareness and capacity building of mental health professionals.

Provide short refresher and skill upgradation courses aimed at continuing education in art therapy


In envisioning the future, TATAI hopes to work across different regions in India to:

Connect different individuals and organizations all over India practicing or having an active interest in Art Therapy.

Create regional chapters aimed at creating awareness and advocacy for the field of Art Therapy across India, and increase visibility of ongoing Art Therapy work within India.

Promote and disseminate knowledge about Art Therapy in India.

Uphold ethical standards of professional practice of Art Therapy in India.

Set academic/professional standards for Art Therapy in India.

Conduct Research studies and documentation in Art Therapy and allied fields in India.

Bring out publications showcasing Art Therapy work and research done in various regions of India.

Act as a connecting bridge between Art Therapists in India and all other stakeholders, in terms of awareness building, knowledge sharing, fostering collaborations, conducting  research and any other activity of mutual benefit.


Stay tuned to learn more about certified training courses.


Know about the latest conferences and workshops in your city.


Learn more about art therapy from workshops led by art therapy professionals.